Monday, August 10, 2009

Issue Exploration: Question authority.Only by questioning accepted wisdom can we advance our understanding of the world.

Human being is a social animal. He thinks, acts and lives among his peers. What sets us apart from the other living beings who go in herds is we have formed a structure of propriety among individuals. Every single individual defers to some person or a group for the sake of social order. Authority is ubiquitous. Thus its unsurprising that questions may surface in regard to this perceived order among ‘equals’. But matter to be put into scrutiny is whether the doubt over authority is substantiated with reason.

Authority in a society prevents the entity from sinking into chaos. It defines the strength of laws or rules. The more pervasive the influence of authority, the better people fear of stepping out of line. Without laws, anarchy would prevail. And without authority laws would be mundane. Moreover progress of the society depends many fold on the duty its members feel toward it. Sense of duty is fused into us when we feel answerable to another individual(s).

However excessive authority sows seeds of fear and nurtures it till people are terrorized to voice their concerns. Even constructive criticisms are restricted by dictatorial personages. This would certainly hinder growth of a generation. People have to adapt to changes in time. Authority must not be a fence in that path. Remember Copernicus who defied authority to proclaim earth is not the center of the universe. Where would civilization would be without that inference? Instances prop up time and time again, in history of mankind, of people who defied the powerful to pave a path of superior knowledge and understanding of the world around us. Socrates, Moses, da Vinci- the list is endless.

But an affirmation that only by questioning accepted wisdom advancement of understanding of the world is possible, is a farcical claim. Such a thought, as leading light, insinuates consistent denial of authority which would undermine the purpose of existence of hierarchy of power (a positive influence- an approval to take crucial decisions) in the social structure. As mentioned before it would lead to anarchy inevitably throwing the world in to chaos.

Need of the hour is reminding ourselves of times and situations where authority was questioned and a chain of events were set off inspiring many to break out of lethargy and lead mankind to a better future. History shows these instances, along with mishaps caused by unwarranted questioning, having a propensity to personal gains. Thus only after careful analysis of the situation and of the need for questioning should a jump be taken. It should not unnecessarily disrupt established order and cause harm to the very society that one lives in. Questioning the authority should rest on responsible shoulders. Individuals who are not presumptuous and who has arguments with efficacy should dare to put forth their beliefs and strive for a better future of life.

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